What Is A Certified Specialist?
In Ohio, attorneys who have extensive experience and knowledge in a particular area of law can become certified specialists. There are only around 150 certified workers’ compensation specialists in Ohio, which is a testament to the complexity of that area of the law.
Attorney Charles W. Kranstuber is certified as a specialist in the field of Ohio workers’ compensation. His practice is focused solely on workers’ comp cases and helping injured workers secure the benefits they need. For a free consultation with a certified workers’ comp specialist, contact our law firm online or call us at 614-255-6134.
How Does An Attorney Become A Certified Specialist?
In order to become a certified specialist in the area of Ohio workers’ compensation, an attorney must:
- Remain in good standing with the Supreme Court of Ohio
- Demonstrate financial responsibility
- Demonstrate that he or she has substantial and continual involvement in workers’ compensation
- Submit references and recommendations from peers attesting to his or her competency in workers’ comp law
- Complete continuing legal education (CLE) courses
- Complete and pass a written examination on workers’ compensation law and practice
In order to remain a specialist in workers’ compensation, an attorney must be recertified every seven years and take 12 credits of CLE every two years.
What Is The Benefit Of Hiring A Certified Specialist?
When you work with a certified specialist, you know that you are working with an attorney who has extensive experience handling workers’ comp cases. Certified specialist Charles W. Kranstuber has a thorough understanding of the complexities of the law, and he is dedicated to staying up to date on recent changes in the law.
To speak with certified Ohio workers’ comp specialist Charles W. Kranstuber, contact our law firm online or call us at 614-255-6134 for a free initial consultation.